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Month: February 2022

Car manufacturers selling electric cars (February 2022)

Car manufacturers selling electric cars (February 2022)

If you’re in the market for a new car, and if you have a place where you can charge it, then you should be looking to buy an electric car. Unless you can’t afford it, anything else – if you don’t mind me being direct – is immoral given that climate change is already happening and is killing five million people per year – a number that will only increase in the future. Shopping for an electric car is hard…

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The Russian invasion of Ukraine

The Russian invasion of Ukraine

Today, Russia invaded Ukraine. We have known for a while now that Russia was pondering invading. Ukraine, though not a perfect democracy, has expressed an interest in aligning more with the free countries of Europe and has been getting more democratic recently. As a result, Russia’s dictator, Putin, has decided that it needs to ‘protect’ not only those in the east who consider themselves Russian, but also those in the rest of the country who consider themselves Ukrainian. This sounds…

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A little of being a foreigner

A little of being a foreigner

I am an American Citizen, but aside from the legal documentation, I am culturally a foreigner. Because of this I have some experiences that I suspect others never have, or have less often. Before I tell this story, I think you need to know about a difference between British and American homes that is really obvious to a visitor from one to the other: British homes are made of different materials than American ones. In England, homes are almost all…

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We know whether the COVID vaccines work

We know whether the COVID vaccines work

The COVID vaccines have been rejected by some people, especially in the USA. The reasons vary from lies about the use of aborted babies in their production, to doubts about how well they work. (A so-called ‘pro-life’ group has said there are no moral reasons not to use the Moderna, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, or even Johnson and Johnson vaccines – source 1, source 2). To clarify that they do work, these graphs provide a very clear, simple comparison of similar…

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